
01/15/2024 | Press Release | Company

Canon Medical Systems and Olympus Announce Business Alliance regarding Endoscopic Ultrasound Systems

TOKYO, January 15, 2024 - Canon Medical Systems Corporation (Canon Medical) and Olympus Corporation (Olympus), today announced that we have reached an agreement to collaborate on Endoscopic Ultrasound Systems. Canon Medical will develop and manufacture diagnostic ultrasound systems used in Endoscopic Ultrasonography (EUS), and Olympus will perform the sales and marketing efforts. The aim of this collaboration between Canon's Aplio i800 diagnostic ultrasound system for EUS and Olympus' Ultrasound Endoscope is to provide the market with advanced EUS equipment capable of delivering high-quality image diagnoses. Canon Medical and Olympus are focusing on technological advancements and enhancing diagnostic performance in the EUS field, with plans for global expansion, starting in Japan and Europe.

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